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Terms & Conditions

Legal Disclaimer

Building for the Future respects the legal boundaries governing the activities of the website visitors or our beneficiaries while they engage with our website. The terms and conditions are meant to establish the legal relationship between the visitors and our organization. It should be noted that the explanations and information provided on this page are general and high-level, and should not be considered as legal advice or recommendations. We highly recommend seeking legal advice to understand and assist in the creation of your own terms and conditions.

Essential Terms & Conditions

Our terms and conditions are tailored according to the specific needs and nature of our charity website. They provide us with the ability to protect ourselves and our beneficiaries from potential legal exposure. These terms are crucial in outlining who is allowed to use the website, the nature of our offerings, the rights of our beneficiaries, and much more. It's important to note that our terms and conditions may differ based on the jurisdiction, so we advise seeking local legal advice for clarity and compliance.

What's Included in Our Terms & Conditions

Our terms and conditions address a wide range of issues relevant to our charity, including access to our website, the nature of services and support, our rights to make changes in the future, warranties, intellectual property, and the process for account suspension or cancellation. For further insights, feel free to explore our detailed guide on 'Creating a Terms and Conditions Policy'.

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